Size: | 6" x 3" |
Material: | Brushed Chrome Polyester |
Product Use: | Indoor/Outdoor |
No. 087NB
Identification Decals are often used by manufacturers and businesses in the service industry.
Material: Identification Decals available on pressure-sensitive chrome, gold, or brushed chrome polyester, with permanent adhesive.*Gold polyester has limited resistance to sunlight and will fade to silver. For more details contact your customer service representative.
Production Time: Approximately 5 working days.
Color Match: Add $42.00 (E) per color to be matched.
Copy/Color Change: Add $39.00 (E) per each change. Copy and color changes cannot be combined on the same order. Changes must be in multiples of the minimum quantity shown.
Numbering: Black numbering is available in one location. See price chart for appropriate cost. Please specify the beginning and ending number and size when ordering. If barcodes, multiple numbering locations or different colors are needed, contact us for pricing.
Art Preparation: There are no art charges for orders with approved digital art. Add $50.00 (C) for artwork that does not meet specifications.